Apr 28, 2020
Beauty blogger Mally Elizabeth and I sit down to talk brand sponsorships - how to land them, create your blog, build an Instagram brand, and score free products / a paycheck from the brands you love most! Mally has been blogging for seven years and is the QUEEN of beauty brand sponsorships. She tells all about how you...
Apr 21, 2020
In this episode, I explain the BEST manifestation tactic I've stumbled across, which has worked for me now TWICE! I explain how the subconscious mind works as well as the different brainwaves that occur, and how we can enter the theta state to suggest manifestations. The app I reference for these affirmations recordings...
Apr 14, 2020
In this episode, I sit down with Ashley Olafsen, the founder of Visionaria Consulting, to discuss organizational processes to own your projects - whether you're an entrepreneur, creator, or student! Connect with Ashley at @ashleyolafsen on socials.
Some must-have organizational resources she recommended:...
Apr 7, 2020
In this episode, my very best friend and the homebodiest of homebodies provides actionable tips for revamping your home space for ultimate productivity and comfort. While this content is specifically oriented in this time of the COVID-19 stay at home orders, these tips for keeping your space organized and fresh...