Aug 31, 2021
In this ep., Lindsey Metselaar, host of popular dating podcast "We Met At Acme," joins me to discuss her path to sobriety and romantic relationships. We realize during the conversation just how much it's all interconnected.. and, part of a larger conversation about connecting with our higher selves.
Connect with...
Aug 24, 2021
Finally, we reach part THREE - the final part (for now, hehe!) of my career story to date! This is where movement finally starts to happen, including my move to NYC and the start of my DREAM career. I explain my copywriting business, how I pulled the move off financially, and how things started to fall together for...
Aug 17, 2021
We're back for part 2 of my career story! This one details the years right after my college graduation when I became a motivational speaker, took the leap to quit my job, and went through one of the hardest periods of my life that I call a "faith drought." And yet, beauty and purpose in it all! I also tell the story...
Aug 10, 2021
I've been asked time and time again how I got to where I am currently in my career - which is a story I can never answer in a succinct way. My long & winding career story starts with my little dream of being a talk show host when I was in elementary school, and unfolds in a story with many chapters. This is Part 1...
Aug 3, 2021
I am so honored to have THE Brad Yates on for an episode with me! I would watch Brad's YouTube videos all the time in early college when I first started tapping. We talk about how Brad got started, how EFT originated, and then - what a treat - we get to TAP WITH BRAD to clear resistance to success!
Check out Brad's...