Mar 28, 2023
Let's get into ENTREPRENEURSHIP! In this ep., I share the four blocks I had to heal and clear in order to expand as an entrepreneur. I've been an entrepreneur for YEARS and I have a looong story that got me here - I've learned and healed SO MUCH! These are the blocks I believe we inevitably come up against and must...
Mar 21, 2023
Let's talk ASTROCARTOGRAPHY - and make sure you have a journal and pen handy to take notes! Astrocartography is how we use astrology to determine how certain places on the globe may affect us energetically. I've always used Astrodienst to check out my chart, but honestly never understood fully what I was looking at...
Mar 14, 2023
My Sedona pyschic and dear friend Seph comes on for a fascinating conversation about communicating with angels/the universe via TAROT! You'll love every part of this; it's forever changed how I view pulling tarot for myself and others.
Seph is offering a 50% discount on his tarot course with code "HALEY" - book a...
Mar 7, 2023
If you've been feeling slightly off or SUPER off, this episode is for you! Here are three mindset shifts/things you can do to get back into your magic. Remember, the goal of life is not to be "in alignment all the time." But when we know we're craving an energy shift, these tips and perspectives can really help.