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Big Conversations with Haley Hoffman Smith

Jul 30, 2024

My dear friend/coach Alyssa Cotten comes on the pod to share powerful information about uncovering subconscious beliefs utilizing muscle testing & the "sway test." She shares how she uses it personally and with clients to guide the healing journey, ft. some other really amazing recommendations, such as the...

Jul 24, 2024

In this episode, we get right to it. It's pep talk time. You CAN change your life. You can. Let me bring you faith and re-orient in the truth that you are a powerful creator and a Higher Power is always working with you, and on your behalf. Plus, my advice on the best ways to move forward with some big energetic...

Jul 16, 2024

Join me for a convo on how I am currently redefining faith.

Apply to Dreamaway:

Jul 9, 2024

We've all been there. Or maybe we're ALWAYS in this state...that one of complete discontent because WE AREN'T "THERE" yet. We aren't where we want to be. 

This episode is a pep talk to bring you back to center and help you deepen into the NOW. Because maybe it's truly all happening in the perfect way, RIGHT ON TIME.

Jul 2, 2024

This episode is a semi part 2 on the DETACHMENT / REDUCING IMPORTANCE episode from a coupel weeks ago... in the theme of Reality Transurfing and all the juicy tidbits I'm learning from the book, let's talk about how to manifest your BIGGEST goals and dreams using the principles of detachment! These concepts have helped...