Oct 31, 2023
My dear friend & Sedona psychic Seph Dietlin comes back on the show to talk about being a CONSCIOUS CREATOR and how we manifest/move through different 'layers' of reality. Seph talks to angels, and always blows me away with his insight and wisdom that he channels from them. This is such an amazing conversation FULL...
Oct 24, 2023
I'm so excited to have one of my dear friends, Dreamaway members, & current money mindset coach Alyssa Cotten on for an amazing episode all about MONEY! Alyssa is a money mindset coach & trained therapist who has taught me so much. In this episode, we delve into the four main money blocks and what we can do to...
Oct 17, 2023
Let's talk morning routine! In this episode, I share the parts of my morning routine that are most important to me...and why. Of course, customize your morning routine for YOU! These are ideas with the reasons/"science" behind it - you get to pick what resonates most. And don't worry, these can all be done in 10 minutes...
Oct 11, 2023
Now THIS is a concept that will change your life when embraced - your Future Self has the answers, wisdom, and comfort you need, and you can call on this version of you at any time to help you love the NOW and create faith. I explain it all in this episode, and lead you through 2 little exercises to deepen your...
Oct 3, 2023
SO THRILLED to have Samantha Chung, @simplifying.sam on the podcast! I love this gal and you'll see why. We get into a concept she's talked about online frequently - the illusion of the "goalpost," where we're working towards something in the future that we think will provide us with what we want / the emotions we're...